Research sometimes requires a mixed method approach using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
Qualitative research is often useful for framing questions prior to a survey. It can also be used to deep dive on issues that are uncovered by survey research. We have extensive experience in designing and implementing mixed method studies.
Bryson Energy
Surveys and focus groups with low income households on issues relating to energy transition, decarbonisation and net zero including awareness of low carbon technologies, willingness to pay and general engagement with the issue.
Consumer Council NI
Survey and focus groups with consumers using Pre Payment-Meters in N Ireland. The research was based on two elements: a survey of 1000 Northern Ireland energy consumers who use prepayment meters (PPMs) to pay their energy bills; and two focus groups (one with consumers who use PPMs and one group with those who use other methods to pay their energy bills).
Department for the Economy
Survey of NI businesses and focus groups with the general public on issues relating to energy transition.
NHS Resolution
Annual customer satisfaction surveys. An online survey was supported by depth interviews with customers .
Northern Ireland Water
Surveys, focus groups and depth interviews regarding the use of sewage sludge as a fertiliser on Northern Ireland farmland.
Public Health Agency
Research on the training needs of those working in alcohol and drugs services across N Ireland. Involved surveys, depth interviews and focus groups with different types of stakeholders.
Public Health Agency
Training needs assessment (alcohol and drugs) which involved focus groups / workshops and an online survey.