Focus groups are an essential tool in our research toolkit.
These can be deployed as a standalone method or combined with survey or other methods to provide deep dive into people’s attitudes and opinions.
Cancer Research UK
Focus groups to evaluate the impact of a public health information campaign on early diagnosis of lung cancer symptoms.
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Focus groups with residents regarding the Council’s Corporate Plan.
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Focus groups with residents regarding the Council’s performance improvement objectives.
Citizens Advice Scotland.
Focus groups / depth interviews with vulnerable consumers in relation to energy transition issues.
Consumer Council
Focus groups with consumers on digitalization and energy transition.
Consumer Council
Focus groups with consumers on the future of transport.
Consumer Council
Focus groups / consumer journeys in relation to parcel services to EU countries from NI.
Consumer Council
Focus groups on consumer impact of EU Exit.
Consumer Council
Consumer journey testing of online parcel services.
Consumer Council
Focus groups with members of the general public on energy transition issues.
Consumer Council
Focus groups with members of the general public on energy transition issues.
Department for the Economy.
Focus groups with members of the public on the Departmental Energy Strategy.
Department of Education (NI).
Strategic planning workshops, focus groups and stakeholder interviews in support of the Departments’ new corporate plan.
Mid Ulster District Council
Stakeholder interviews and focus groups in relation to the Council’s plans for inclusiveness and community development.
Queens University Belfast
Focus groups on zero carbon innovation and entrepreneurship