Exploring stakeholders' views on personal experiences and professional issues.
Depth interviews are semi-structured to allow room both for specific headings to be covered and for exploration of issues that arise during the interview.
Belfast City Council
Provision of services for older people. 16 in-in-depth interviews with older people from hard-to-reach groups
Citizens Advice Scotland
Research into the accessibility of post offices, broadband and mobile phone services for older people and disabled people. This was a qualitative piece of research comprising focus groups and interviews aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the issues older and disabled consumers encounter when accessing post offices, broadband and mobile phone services.
Citizens Advice Scotland
Focus groups / depth interviews with vulnerable consumers in relation to energy transition issues.
NHS Resolution
Annual customer perception research. Based on surveys and depth interviews with customers and stakeholders (GPs, Royal Colleges, Hospital Trusts, GMC, Department of Health etc.). This study was an integral part of NHS Resolution’s stakeholder engagement strategy and involved an online survey of approximately 4000 customers plus qualitative research with key stakeholders.
Public Health Agency
Evaluation of a Prison Readers Scheme aimed at addressing the mental health of prisoners in N Ireland. Involved focus groups and face to face depth interviews with prisoners, programme coordinators and representatives of government departments.
Scottish Government
Qualitative research on consumer vulnerability and energy transition in Scotland. This project involved 12 depth interviews with vulnerable consumers, 4 focus groups with vulnerable consumers and 7 depth interviews with a range of key stakeholders representing energy providers, Ofgem and community organisations.