SMR deploys impact research projects to establish consumer and stakeholder reaction to client facing public information campaigns.
GenesisNI / HSENI
Evaluation of campaign materials on health and safety in the workplace.
Cancer Research UK
Early diagnosis health marketing campaign evaluation in Northern Ireland – lung cancer.
Public Health Agency
Population survey to evaluate a public health information campaign on winter vaccinations (n=1000).
Public Health Agency
Evaluation of the ‘Minding your head’ public information campaign.
Public Health Agency
Large-scale face to face CAPI survey (n=1000) to evaluate a sexual health public information campaign among a representative sample of adults aged 16-34 in N Ireland.
Public Health Agency
Population survey to evaluate a suicide prevention public health information campaign (n=1000).
Public Health Agency
Population survey to evaluate a public health information campaign on organ donation (n=1000).
Public Health Agency
Surveys to evaluate the impact of public health information campaigns on obesity and stroke (based on representative samples of 1000 NI residents).