SMR has extensive experience in carrying out research for utility companies and regulators.
Consumer Focus
Research with Scottish SMEs to elicit views and experience in relation to the deregulation of the Scottish commercial water market.
Northern Ireland Water
Surveys, focus groups and depth interviews regarding the use of sewage sludge as a fertiliser on Northern Ireland farmland.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
An evaluation of subcontractor safety practices on site using a combination of methodologies including workshops, focus groups and face to face depth interviews.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Consultation with stakeholders on SSEN transition to Distribution Systems Operator.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
An evaluation on new technology and the benefits of using modular substations. This involved a combination of methodologies including an online survey, face to face depth interviews and a largescale workshop event.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Annual surveys of 2000 domestic consumers to better understand their needs. Survey in North of Scotland and Southeast England (face-to-face, CAPI).
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Annual customer telephone surveys to ensure the Priority Service Register (PSR) meets the needs of customers and stakeholders.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Evaluation of rebranding of SSE companies to Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Stakeholder surveys at National Grid Seminars
Utility Regulator
Large-scale consumer telephone survey (n=1200) on energy transition issues
Utility Regulator
Domestic customer survey