Stakeholder opinion is a vital metric for policy makers, delivery agents and any business that serves clients or customers.
SMR has a strong track record in both stakeholder identification and meaningful consultation.
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Focus groups with residents regarding the Council’s new corporate plan.
Ards and North Down Borough Council
Focus groups with residents regarding the Council’s performance improvement objectives.
Atkins Consultants/ NI Water
Stakeholder opinion of using sewage sludge as fertiliser.
Department of Education (NI)
Strategic planning workshops, focus groups and stakeholder interviews in support of the Departments’ new corporate plan.
Department for the Economy
Stakeholder consultation on DfE Strategy for Decarbonisation.
Education Authority
Stakeholder opinion on EA plans for Special Educational Needs.
Mid Ulster District Council
Stakeholder interviews and focus groups in relation to the Council’s plans for inclusiveness and community development.
NHS Resolution
Customer perception research.
Scottish and Southern Energy
Stakeholder consultation involving household surveys of domestic consumers advocacy organisations and academia.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
Consultation with stakeholders on SSEN transition to Distribution Systems Operator (DSO).
SHE Transmission
Consultation with stakeholders on tower design and deployment.
Queens University Belfast
Public, stakeholder and SME understanding and behavioural intentions in relation to Net Zero.