Poverty, is a common theme in SMR social research, often accompanied by other vulnerabilities and special needs.
Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Large-scale consumer surveys (n=1000) to estimate the prevalence of fuel poverty among NI households.
Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Large-scale consumer survey (n=1000) on issues relating to the ‘Cost of Basics’ including energy.
Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Stakeholder interviews and literature reviews on energy use and fuel poverty.
Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
The challenges facing low income consumers. A total of 20 case studies with low-income families.
Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Survey and focus groups with consumers using Pre Payment Meters in NI.
Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
The challenges facing low-income consumers and the additional issues created by the consequences of COVID-19.
Bryson Energy
Surveys and focus groups with low income households on issues relating to energy transition, decarbonisation and net zero including awareness of low carbon technologies, willingness to pay and general engagement with the issue.